Service Description
Start off, and stay, stress free throughout the planning process with this first step of a FREE 1-hour consultation.
Cancellation Policy
WTWPE works hard to accommodate everyone's availability, and we will strive to meet with you during your chosen date and time. Because of the schedule limitations, we can only allow 1 FREE consultation. If a potential client chooses to book a FREE consultation, please be courteous and show for the chosen date and time. If the potential client needs to cancel or reschedule, please reach out to WTWPE via email, text or phone call in a timely manor. Appointments who do not show by 15 minutes after the start time will be considered a "NO CALL, NO SHOW." Should you want to reschedule after a NO CALL NO SHOW, there will be a $25.00 charge for the second consultation meeting. Should an appointment NO CALL, NO SHOW for a second time, WTWPE will no longer be available to do business with this client. We truly look forward to working with you to make your event the most special it can be!
Contact Details
Panera Bread, Chestnut Street, Beavercreek, Ohio, USA